• Text and reference books:

  • Walk Through Combinatorics: An introduction to enumeration and combinatorics by Miklos Bona

  • Lecture 1, Intro to course

    Lecture 2, Principle of Induction

    Lecture 3, More example, Pigeon hole

    Lecture 4, Pigeon hole, Permutation graphs

    Lecture 5, Binomial, multinomial theorem, Stirling numbers

    Lecture 6, Posets, Incidence algebras

    Lecture 7, Mobius function, inversion

    Lecture 8, Introduction graph theory

    Lecture 9, Definitions, Euler tours, Bipartite graphs, Probabilistic proof

    Lecture 10, Hamiltonian cycles

    Lecture 11, Hamiltonian cycles in Tournaments

    Lecture 12, Trees, spanning trees, Joyals proof of number of spanning trees in K_n

    Lecture 13, Adjacency matrices, eigen values, Laplacian

    Lecture 14, Laplacian to count spanning trees in a Hypercube

    Lecture 15, Bipartite graphs, adjacency matrix, independent set size in d regular graphs via specrtral information, Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem

    Lecture 16, Some extremal theory, Triangle free graph.

    Lecture 17, K_{2,2} free graphs, Turans theorem

    Lecture 18, Matchings, Bipartite matching, Halls theorem Video recording

    Lecture 19, Konigs theorem,Colourings, Brooks theorem Video recording

    Lecture 20, Tuttes theorem

    Lecture 21, Tuttes theorem Video recording

    Lecture 22, Network flows, residual graphs Video recording

    Lecture 23, Max flow min cut theorem Video recording

    Lecture 24, Connectivity, Mengers theorems Video recording