CMI Data Science Seminar Date: 5-Frb-2021 (Friday) Time: 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Deep Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing and its Applications Mousum Dutta Founder, 05-02-21 Abstract In this talk, I will talk about two separate applications of deep learning models in natural language processing (NLP), that I am working on for the last few years. In one application we used deep learning NLP to solve problems in automated medical coding and document strategies using NLP. About four years back, I co-founded which is a platform for career networks for students and recent graduates. In Spotle we are leveraging NLP for career recommendation. I will tell you how deep NLP become the core engine of Spotle. Bio: Mousum worked over seventeen years in the research and technical domain involving design and development of different statistical products, data analysis, and interpretation using Statistics, ML, and AI. He designed several online courses in AI, Data Science, and Programming. He Co-founded Spotle about four years back. Prior to that, he was Chief Data Scientist at DoLoop Technologies, where he helped the company to develop AI-based products for clinical trials. He worked in SAS as a full-stack AI-ML developer and built AI-based solutions for the quantitative finance domain. He studied MSc in Statistics from Calcutta University and MTech in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur.