Research Seminar 3 Date/Time: 15.09.2021, 12:00 pm. On a relationship of test ideal and F-rationality of Proj of the Rees algebra Nirmal Kotal Chennai Mathematical Institute. 15-09-21 Abstract Hara and Yoshida introduced the notion of generalized test ideal $\tau(a)$ associate to an ideal $a$ of a prime characteristic ring R, analogous to test ideal $\tau(R)$ and showed the correspondence of the test ideal $\tau(\mathfrak{a})$ and the multiplier ideal associated to $a$ in normal Q-Gorenstein rings reduced from characteristic zero to sufficiently large prime characteristic. In this talk, we will discuss a relationship of test ideal $\tau(a)$ and F-rationality of Proj of the Rees algebra. We also discuss some examples which counter some questions.