Chennai Mathematical Institute


2 - 3 pm, NKN Hall,CMI New Building
Data Science Colloquium Series
Discussion with Kaushik on AI and ML

Kaushik Raghavan
FLICQ, Chennai.


Discussion on the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning, Big Data. Often we come across terms AI, ML , Big Data, Analytics, Data Science, Data Mining, R, Python, Matlab et al. Do we have a picture of which sits where? Lets meet for a Tech Talk to get the picture. Short Biography: Kaushik is Director of Data Science and Machine Learning at FLICQ Inc , San Jose, CA. He did his MSc in Computer Science and PABF from IIM, Bangalore. He is AI ML Leader, driving global data science strategies. He delivered ML products across SEA, Japan & North America. He was part of 20+ Inventions. 6 Patents (USPO Usa & Taiwan). His favorite areas are Time Series Analysis, Spacial Signatures, MIMO, Predictive , Prescriptive and Cognitive Analytics