Chennai Mathematical Institute


MSc (Mathematics) thesis defence talks
11.50 am, Seminar Hall
Forcing and Measurable subsets of R

Raein Banerjee
Chennai Mathematical Institute.


Our aim is to review the construction a model of set theory which satisfies ZF + DC + Every subset of R is Lebesgue Measurable, from a model of ZFC + there is a strongly inaccessible cardinal. Thereby establishing Con(ZFC + there is a strongly inaccessible cardinal) imples Con(ZF + DC + Every subset of R is Lebesgue Measurable). For construction of this model we shall use Forcing to construct a bigger model from the model satisfying ZFC + there is a strongly inaccessible cardinal and also the concept of definability from sequence of ordinals to obtain a smaller model from the forced extension which will be our desired model to prove the above consistency result.