2.00 pm, Lecture Hall 802 BTZ dynamics and chaos Rohan Poojary Chennai Mathematical Institute. 19-03-19 Abstract We find an effective action for gravitational interactions with scalars in AdS_3 to first order in G_N at the conformal boundary. This action can be understood as an action for the Brown-Henneaux modes and is given by the square-root product of right and left moving Schwarzian derivatives for conformal transformations of the boundary. We thus reproduce the result \lambda_L=2\pi/\beta for OTOC computed first in arXiv:1412.6087 for a Schwarzchild black hole in AdS_3. Applying the same procedure to rotating BTZ we find the Lyapunov index to be \lambda_L = 2\pi/\beta_+ > 2\pi/\beta where \beta_+ = \beta(1-\mu_L) and \mu_L =r_-/r_+ being the chemical potential for angular momentum. We thus comment on a possible modification to a part of the proof given in arXiv:1503.01409 to accommodate this result.