Chennai Mathematical Institute


3:30 pm, Seminar Hall
Quadrature domains in higher dimensions

Pranav Haridas
Chennai Mathematical Institute.


In complex analysis, quadrature domains are those domains for which the integral of every function in the Bergman class of functions can be written as a fixed quadrature identity. In this talk, we prove a density theorem for quadrature domains in $\mathbb{C}^n, n \geq 2$. It is shown that quadrature domains are dense in the class of all product domains of the form $D\times \Omega$ where $D \subset\mathbb{C}^{n-1}$ is a smoothly bounded pseudoconvex domain satisfying Bell's Condition R and $\Omega \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a smoothly bounded domain. We shall also discuss a recent result disproving a conjecture by Steven Bell.