Chennai Mathematical Institute


3.30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m., Seminar Hall
K. Madhava Sarma Memorial Distinguished Lecture
From a letter of Leonhard Euler to modern researches at the crossroad of algebra, geometry, combinatorics and physics

Xavier Viennot
CNRS Emeritus Research Director, LaBRI, Bordeaux, France & Adjunct Professor, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India.


In a letter to Goldbach in September 1751, Euler introduced the notion of triangulation of a convex polygon. These objects are enumerated by the ubiquitous and very classical Catalan numbers, which also enumerate trees, Dyck paths and many other combinatorial objects. I will show how some considerations on these triangulations have been the starting point of works on various related topics which are nowadays hot subjects of researches. This lecture is accessible to everyone.