Chennai Mathematical Institute


Seminars for the year 2013
  • 19-12-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Adding Numbers and Shuffling Cards(Abstract)
    Persi Diaconis
    (A Mathematician and a former Professional Magician), Mary V. Sunseri Professor of Statistics and Mathematics at Stanfo rd University, U.S.A.

  • 03-12-13
    3.30 p.m.
    An interesting result about finite dimensional complex semi-simple algebras(Abstract)
    Srikanth Tupurani
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 20-11-13
    4.00--4.50 p.m.
    The early history of the `Pascal' triangle(Abstract)
    Clemency Montelle
    University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

  • 20-11-13
    3.00--3.50 p.m.
    The evolution of the sine(Abstract)
    Kim Plofker
    Union College, Schenectady, NY, USA.

  • 06-11-13
    3-30 pm
    From the "last geometric theorem" of Poincare to Arnold's conjectures and Gromov's holomorphic curves.(Abstract)
    Stanford University.

  • 30-10-13
    3:30 pm
    Stochastic Control for Finance: A Tutorial(Abstract)
    Vijaysekhar Chellaboina
    Risk and Finance Research Group, Innovations Lab, TCS, Hyderabad.

  • 13-11-13
    3.30 PM
    Black holes in string theory(Abstract)
    Amitabh Virmani
    IOP, Bhubhaneswar.

  • 13-11-13
    12:00 noon
    Price of Anarchy, Auctions, and Approximations(Abstract)
    Sayan Bhattacharya
    MPI, Saarbruecken.

  • 23-10-13
    Varieties of Quantum Measurements.(Abstract)
    N.D. Hari Dass
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 18-10-13
    11:50 am
    A properness result for degenerate Quadratic and Symplectic Bundles on a smooth projective curve(Abstract)
    Yashonidhi Pandey
    IISER Mohali.

  • 17-10-13
    Modular representations of algebraic groups(Abstract)
    Peter Fiebig
    Erlangen University.

  • 08-10-13
    Classification of 4d N=2 gauge theories(Abstract)
    Lakshya Bhardwaj
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 25-09-13
    3.00 - 3.50 & 4.00 - 4.50
    On Zariski's Cancellation Problem(Abstract)
    Neena Gupta
    ISI, Kolkata.

  • 23-09-13
    12:00 noon
    Monotonicity testing and directed isoperimetries of the hypercube(Abstract)
    Seshadri C
    Sandia National Labs, San Francisco.

  • 29-08-13
    Reasoning about Data Repetitions with Counter Systems(Abstract)
    M Praveen
    LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • 26-08-13
    3.30 pm
    Motivic Galois groups and applications(Abstract)
    Utsav Choudhury
    Institut fur Mathematik, Universitat Zurich.

  • 20-08-13
    Probabilistic Programming: A Program Analysis Perspective(Abstract)
    Sriram Rajamani
    Microsoft Research India.

  • 20-08-13
    2.30 - 3.30
    Points of small height on abelian varieties over function fields(Abstract)
    Sinnou David
    Universite de Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie).

  • 13-08-13
    2.30 pm
    Invariants of quadratic forms
    R. Parimala
    Emory University, USA.

  • 07-08-13
    3.45 pm
    An integrality theorem of Grosshans over arbitrary base ring(Abstract)
    Wilberd van der Kallen
    Utrecht University.

  • 07-08-13
    2.30 pm
    Relative Brauer groups of curves(Abstract)
    Rajesh Kulkarni
    Michigan State University.

  • 12-08-13
    12:00 noon
    Invariance and Almost-Sure Termination Analysis for Probabilistic Programs(Abstract)
    Sriram Sankaranarayanan
    University of Colorado Boulder, USA.

  • 06-08-13
    2.00 pm
    Anisotropic Branes
    Samrat Bhowmick
    IOP, Bhubaneshwar.

  • 29-07-13
    12.00 - 1.00pm
    Probabilistic Tabled Logic Programming with Application to Model Checking(Abstract)
    C.R. Ramakrishnan
    Stonybrook University~ NY, U.S.A.

  • 14-08-13
    3.30 pm
    Cohomology algebra of the complement of a toric arrangement(Abstract)
    Priyavrat Deshpande
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 13-08-13
    3.30 pm
    Embedding theorems on hyperelliptic varieties(Abstract)
    Seshadri Chintapalli
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 01-08-13
    3.30 pm
    Descent and Cohomological Descent(Abstract)
    Nitin Nitsure
    TIFR, Mumbai.

  • 23-07-13
    3:30 pm
    Bounds on Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of edge ideals of simple graphs(Abstract)
    Arindam Banerjee
    University of Virginia, USA.

  • 12-07-13
    2.00 p.m.
    Introduction to pseudoholomorphic curve and contact homologies(Abstract)
    David Farris
    IISc, Bengaluru.

  • 11-07-13
    2.45 p.m.
    On the extension of torsors(Abstract)
    Marco Antei
    Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Be'er Sheva, Israel.

  • 13-06-13
    2.45 p.m.
    Notions of Purity and the Cohomology of Quiver moduli(Abstract)
    Roy Joshua
    Ohio State University, U.S.A.

  • 10-05-13
    2.00 p.m.
    A Symmetry Problem in Elliptic PDE theory (M.Sc. Thesis Defence)(Abstract)
    Siddhant Agrawal
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 25-04-13
    2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    Unified Approaches to Polynomial Identity Testing and Lower Bounds
    Ramprasad Saptarishi
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 25-04-13
    11.30 a.m.
    On Bayesian Inference of Covariance Matrix(Abstract)
    Sourish Das
    SAS Institute, Pune.

  • 18-04-13
    3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
    Deformations of $U_q(gl_{mn})$ modules - an approach to the Kronecker problem(Abstract)
    K V Subrahmanyam
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 04-04-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Introduction to Percolation and Geometry of Groups(Abstract)
    M. LI Jhih-Huang
    Ecole Normale Superieure, France.

  • 09-04-13
    3:30 p.m.
    Selberg's 3/16 theorem, spectral gap and expander graphs(Abstract)
    Weiken He
    Ecole Normale Superieure, France.

  • 02-04-13
    3:30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
    History of elliptic functions and a few footnotes
    R. Sridharan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 26-03-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Algebraic Quantum Physics(Abstract)
    T.R. Govindarajan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 27-03-13
    2.00 p.m.
    The inflationary scalar bispectrum: Status and possibilities(Abstract)
    L. Sriramkumar
    IIT Madras.

  • 18-03-13
    3.30 p.m.
    The optics mechanics analogy(Abstract)
    Rajaram Nityananda
    IISER, Pune.

  • 15-03-13
    3.15 p.m. - 4.15 p.m.
    Degenerations of Hitchin pairs and abelianization(Abstract)
    V. Balaji
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 15-03-13
    2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.
    A Wonderful Embedding of the Loop Group(Abstract)
    Pablo Solis
    Berkeley, US.

  • 15-03-13
    11.00 a.m.
    Entanglement Entropy in the D1D5 CFT: Twists of Twists
    Steve Avery
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 08-03-13
    2.00 p.m.
    Quantum backreaction in string theory(Abstract)
    Oleg Evnin
    Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.

  • 04-03-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Rudiments of 2d conformal field theory
    Gregoire Sergeant-Perthuis
    Ecole Normale Superieure, France.

  • 11-03-13
    11:45 a.m.
    Popular Matchings - structure and cheating strategies(Abstract)
    Meghana Nasre
    Univ of Texas.

  • 27-02-13
    10.30 a.m.
    Welfare and Profit maximization with Procurement costs(Abstract)
    Ankit Sharma
    Carnegie Mellon University.

  • 28-02-13
    Verifying Concurrent Programs against Sequential Specifications(Abstract)
    Ahmed Bouajjani
    LIAFA, Univ Paris 7, France.

  • 27-02-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Orderability and contact fibrations(Abstract)
    Francisco Presas Mata
    ICMAT-CSIC, Spain.

  • 25-02-13
    11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. &
    2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    Arithmetic circuits: A chasm at depth-3 (Two Talks)(Abstract)
    Ramprasad Saptarishi
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 20-03-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Some surprises from particle physics(Abstract)
    N.D. Hari Dass
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 06-03-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Cricket Analytics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow(Abstract)
    Dr Srinivas Bhogle
    Director, India operations, TEOCO Software pvt Ltd.

  • 20-02-13
    Endowment Lectures at CMI(Abstract)
    K. Lakshmanan Memorial Distinguished Lecture: A glimpse into the Foundations of Mathematics - Nitin Nitsure, TIFR, Mumbai - 2.00-3.00 p.m.
    R.K. Rubugunday Distinguished Lecture: The method of moving planes and the classical isoperimetric inequality - S. Kesavan, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai - 3.30-4.30 p.m.

  • 19-02-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Cohomology of algebraic stacks and application to quadrics(Abstract)
    Nitin Nitsure
    TIFR, Mumbai.

  • 18-02-13
    11:50 a.m.
    Interval graphs and its variations(Abstract)
    Shamik Ghosh
    Jadavpur University.

  • 15-02-13
    2.00-3.00 p.m.
    The Tutte polynomial of square lattice graphs
    Arun Mani
    University of Melbourne.

  • 13-02-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Are you a Statistician? Let's talk Business!(Abstract)
    Kameswara Rao Bhiravabhatla
    Principal Architect - Research & Innovation, iGATE.

  • 12-02-13
    Lecture Series on the Algebraic Theory of Languages
    ecture 1: 2.00 p.m.-3.30 p.m., Tuesday, 12 Feb 2013
    Lecture 2: 2.00 p.m.-3.30 p.m., Wednesday, 13 Feb 2013
    Lecture 3: 3.30 p.m.-5.00 p.m., Thursday, 14 Feb 2013 (Tentative)
    Algebraic theory of languages: products of languages(Abstract)
    Pascal Weil
    CNRS and Universite de Bordeaux, France.

  • 07-02-13
    Approaches to Szemeredi's theorem(Abstract)
    Pierre-Yves Bienvenu
    3.30 p.m.
    Ecole Normale Superieure, France.

  • 01-02-13
    2.00 p.m.
    Cryptographic and Security Issues for the Cloud(Abstract)
    Ramarathnam Venkatesan
    Microsoft Research.

  • 23-01-13
    3.30 p.m.
    The complex of HNN-extensions for free groups of rank n(Abstract)
    Suhas J Pandit
    ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

  • 17-01-13
    12.00 noon
    MSO Decidability of Multi-Pushdown Systems via Split-Width(Abstract)
    Aiswarya Cyriac
    LSV, ENS Cachan, France.

  • 08-01-13
    3.00 p.m.
    Verification of concurrent C programs with an unbounded number of threads(Abstract)
    Daniel Kroening
    Computer Science Department, University of Oxford.

  • 07-01-13
    3.30 p.m.
    Wave functionals, boundary conditions and Casimir effect(Abstract)
    Parameswaran Nair
    CUNY, U.S.A.