Chennai Mathematical Institute


Seminars for the year 2007
  • 31-12-07
    An Effective Equidistribution Theorem(Abstract)
    Prof. M. Ram Murty
    Queen's University, Canada.

  • 31, 26, 24-12-07
    On the anticyclotomic Main conjecture for supersingular elliptic curves(Abstract)
    Prof. Adrian Iovita
    Concordia University, Canada.

  • 13-12-07
    The Iwasawa theory of the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3-x$(Abstract)
    Prof. John H. Coates
    Cambridge University, UK.

  • 07-12-07
    Safety and Liveness for Trace Languages(Abstract)
    Paul Gastin
    LSV, ENS de Cachan, France.

  • 30-11-07
    The search for a p-adic local Langlands correspondence(Abstract)
    Prof. Peter Schneider
    University of Muenster, Germany.

  • 28-11-07 - : Lecture Series
    p-adic Galois representations(Abstract)
    Professor Jean-Marc Fontaine
    Orsay University, Paris.

  • 23-11-07
    Parabolic bundles on algebraic surfaces - Public Viva-voce Notification
    R. Parthasarathi
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 16-11-07 - 13-12-07: Course of Lecture
    Probability Theory, An Analytic View
    Professor D. Stroock

  • 20-11-07
    Acyclic Edge Colouring - A Survey(Abstract)
    N Narayanan
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 20-11-07
    Algorithm for Polynomially Bounded Intersection of Linearly Representable Matroids(Abstract)
    T C Vijayaraghavan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 14-11-07
    Lecture Series on Music Appreciation
    Prof. N. Ramanathan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 07-11-07
    On the fly Distributed Verification(Abstract)
    Blaise Genest
    IRISA, Rennes, France.

  • 07-11-07
    Knots, Links & 3-dimensional manifolds: meeting ground for Physicists and Mathematicians.(Abstract)
    P. Ramadevi
    I.I.T, Mumbai.

  • 07-11-07
    Lecture Series on Music Appreciation
    Prof. N. Ramanathan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 31-10-07
    Lecture Series on Music Appreciation
    Prof. N. Ramanathan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 24-10-07
    Lecture Series on Music Appreciation
    Prof. N. Ramanathan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 26-10-07
    Type III factors as invariants of type III $E_0$-semigroups(Abstract)
    Dr. R. Srinivasan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 19-10-07
    Computational Models Inspired by Peptide Computing(Abstract)
    M. Sakthi Balan
    University of Western Ontario, Canada.

  • 17-10-07
    The interplay between Physics and Maths
    Prof. Kalyan Sinha
    JNCASR, Bangalore.

  • 11-10-07
    Higher derivative corrections in type IIB superstring theory
    Dr. Anirban Basu
    IAS, Princeton.

  • 10-10-07
    Lecture Series on Music Appreciation
    Prof. N. Ramanathan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 04-10-07
    Perturbative Study of the Leigh-Strassler Deformations of N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory(Abstract)
    Dr. Madhu
    IIT, Chennai.

  • 20-09-07
    Some facts about Verma Modules
    Prof. R. Parthasarathy
    TIFR, Mumbai.

  • 12-09-07
    Geometric Complexity Theory (continued)(Abstract)
    Dr. K.V. Subrahmanyam
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 12-09-07
    Spectral Graph Partitioning(Abstract)
    Amit Deshpande
    MIT, USA.

  • 06-09-07
    Deterministically Isolating a Perfect Matching in Bipartite Planar Graphs(Abstract)
    Raghav Kulkarni
    University of Chicago, USA.

  • 06-09-07
    Edge Connectivity: Iterative rounding of a Linear Program(Abstract)
    Tanmoy Chakraborty
    University of Pennsylvania.

  • 31-08-07
    On a question of Dani's about invariant measures on Symmetric Spaces and $R^n$
    Prof Alladi Sitaram
    Professor Emiritus, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore.

  • 05-09-07
    A high level overview of GCT(Abstract)
    Dr. K.V. Subrahmanyam
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 30-08-07
    Rigid Body in Classical Mechanics(Abstract)
    Dr. Govind Krishnaswami
    Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

  • 24-08-07
    Overconvergent modular symbols(Abstract)
    Baskar Balasubramanyam

  • 24-08-07
    Combinatorial and Algorithmic Bounds on the minimum number of leaves in a Directed Tree of a Digraph(Abstract)
    Saket Saurabh

  • 24-08-07
    A crash course on locally decodable codes(Abstract)
    Amit Deshpande
    MIT, USA.

  • 16-08-07
    Toric degeration of Bott-Samelson-Demazure-Hansen Varieties
    Dr. K. Paramasamy
    University of Virginia, USA.

  • 08-08-07
    Property testing(Abstract)
    Sourav Chakraborty
    University of Chicago.

  • 31-07-07
    Programming Asynchronous Layers with CLARITY(Abstract)
    Prakash Chandrasekaran
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 13-07-07
    A Parameter Estimation Technique for Bio-Pathway Models(Abstract)
    Prof. P.S. Thiagarajan
    National University of Singapore.

  • 20-04-07
    Knowledge-based modelling of voting protocols(Abstract)
    A. Baskar
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 29-03-07
    Quantum Finite Automata: The Next Frontier in Automata Theory?
    Prof. M.V. Panduranga Rao
    IISc, Bangalore.

  • 27-03-07
    Poincare conjecture or Hamilton-Perelman theorem(Abstract)
    Dr. C.S. Aravinda
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 14-03-07
    Space and Time in Life and Science
    Prof N Mukunda
    IISc., Bangalore.

  • 08-03-07
    Trace languages and the variety DA(Abstract)
    Manfred Kufleitner
    LaBRI, Univ Bordeaux I, France.

  • 05-03-07
    Complete Intersections and Riemann-Roch (to be concluded)
    Prof. S. Ramanan
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 26-02-07
    Rational and numerical equivalence for varieties of abelian type over finite fields
    Charles Vial
    ENS, France.

  • 26-02-07
    Some properties of the Deligne-Lusztig varieties
    Olivier Dudas
    ENS, France.

  • 26-02-07
    An "Informative" Tour through parts of Probability-nadu(Abstract)
    Prof. Mokshay Madiman
    Yale University, U.S.A.

  • 20-02-07
    Approximation methods for large-N matrix models(Abstract)
    Dr. Govind Krishnaswami
    Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

  • 14-02-07
    An elementary construction of the symmetric spaces of rank one
    Prof. Adam Koranyi
    CUNY, USA.

  • 09-02-07
    Arithmetic's dictat to Geometry
    Prof. M.S Raghunathan
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.

  • 07-02-07
    Geometry's dictat to Arithmetic (The work of Faltings)
    Prof. M.S Raghunathan
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.

  • 02-02-07
    Evolution of Geometry (Special Lecture to mark the inauguration of CMI as University and its New Facilities)
    Prof. M.S. Narasimhan
    TIFR Centre, Bangalore.

  • 02-02-07
    The Literary Achievement of R.K. Narayan (Special Lecture to mark the inauguration of CMI as University and its New Facilities)
    Mr. N. Ram
    Chief Editor, "The Hindu", Chennai.

  • 30-01-07
    Lie Algebras in Particle Physics
    Dr. Sudarshan Ananth

  • 31-01-07
    The dual approach to the Springer fiber=orbital variety(Abstract)
    Dr. Pagnon Ngoc Gioan Jean
    ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

  • 30-01-07
    Ramsey Numbers and Decision Trees for Entity Identification(Abstract)
    Dr. Sambuddha Roy
    IBM India Research Lab, Delhi.

  • 24-01-07
    Generic Fiber of the Springer fiber of type A(Abstract)
    Dr. Pagnon Ngoc Gioan Jean
    ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

  • 24-01-07
    Equations defining symmetric varieties and affine grassmannians(Abstract)
    Dr. Andrea Maffei
    Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy.

  • 08-01-07
    List decoding for Reed-Solomon Codes(Abstract)
    Prof. Jaikumar Radhakrishnan
    TIFR, Mumbai.

  • 05-01-07
    Zero-sum problems in combinatorial number theory(Abstract)
    Prof. S.D. Adhikari
    Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad.