Chennai Mathematical Institute


Seminars for the year 2004
  • 20-12-04
    Understanding Relationships Between Quantum and Classical Complexity Classes: Separations, Collapses, and Closures(Abstract)
    Rahul Tripathi
    University of Rochester.

  • 08-12-04
    Coherent systems and Brill-Noether theory
    Prof. Leticia Brambila Paz
    CIMAT, Mexico.

  • 02-12-04 (CMI-IMSc Representation Theory Seminar)
    Character formulas and localization of integrals (3rd talk)
    Rishi Raj
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 24-11-04
    Generators of a general ideal
    Prof. M.P. Murthy
    University of Chicago, U.S.A.

  • 17-11-04 (CMI-IMSc Representation Theory Seminar)
    Compactification of Thin Schubert cells (after L. Lafforgue) (3rd talk)
    Dr. Matthias Meulien
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 05 & 08-11-04

    Prof. Pasupathy~ IISc., Bangalore~ Quantum Computing and the Problem of Factorization of Integers

  • 29-10-04
    Is there a Final Theory? We take up the discussion from the point reached at the end of the first lecture and give an elementary account of quantum gravity and string theory.
    Prof. G. Rajasekaran
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 25-10-04
    Relativity and Quantum Physics A pedagogical overview of the basic concepts
    Prof. G. Rajasekaran
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 18-10-04
    Classical Physics(Abstract)
    Prof. G. Rajasekaran
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 15-10-04
    Physics at the turn of the century(Abstract)
    Prof. G. Rajasekaran
    Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

  • 10-09-04 (Institute Colloquium)
    An introduction to mathematical logic (continued)(Abstract)
    Adrien Deloro
    ENS Lyon.

  • 08-09-04 (IDEAS FOR ALL)
    The Cultural Context of the emergence of star Politicians in South India
    Mr. S. Theodore Baskaran
    Film Historian, Nature Writer.

  • 09-08-04
    On the sensitivity of Cyclically Invariant boolean functions(Abstract)
    Sourav Chakraborty
    Univ. of Chicago.

  • 04-06-04
    Spherical Rank Rigidity and Blashcke Manifolds(Abstract)
    Dr. Krishnan Shankar
    University of Oklahama, U.S.A.

  • 06-04-04
    Gauss-Bonnet theorem
    Prof. M.S Raghunathan
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.

  • 01-04-04
    The Grothendieck-Serre conjecture on rationally trivial principal bundles
    Prof. M.S Raghunathan
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.

  • 05-03-04 (Institute Colloquium)
    Eigenvalues of sums of matrices(Abstract)
    Prof. Rajendra Bhatia
    ISI, Delhi.

  • 27-02-04 (Institute Colloquium)
    Coverings of Projective Varieties
    Prof. Raghavan Narasimhan
    University of Chicago, U.S.A.

  • 13-02-04 (Institute Colloquium)
    Topological methods in game theory
    Mathieu Laffond
    ENS, France.

  • 29-01-04
    Atoms and Stars
    Prof. S. Sen
    Indian Association of Cultivation of Sciences, Kolkata.

  • 28-01-04
    Infinite two player games(Abstract)
    Alexis Julien-Bouquet
    LaBRI, University of Bordeaux I, France.

  • 27-01-04 (Ideas for all - Popular Lecture Series)
    The Multiple Careers of Mahatma Gandhi
    Mr. Ramachandra Guha
    Historian and Writer.

  • 23-01-04 (Ricci flow seminar)
    Comparison Principle
    Dr. M.K. Vemuri
    Chennai Mathematical Institute.

  • 22-01-04
    On bisimilarities induced by partial orders
    S. Arun-Kumar
    IIT Delhi.

  • 16-01-04
    Embroidery with Buffon's needle(Abstract)
    Amit Deshpande
    MIT, USA.

  • 02-01-04
    Ramanujan Graphs & Zeta Functions(Abstract)
    Prof. M. Ram Murty
    Queen's University, Canada.

  • 02-01-04
    An Application of Mumford's Gap Principle
    Prof. M. Ram Murty
    Queen's University, Canada.