Chennai Mathematical Institute

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

Understanding and Modeling Data from the Electro-Encephalograph (EEG)

Chennai Mathematical Institute and Sapien Labs Centre for the Human Brain and Mind, Krea University

3–8 July, 2023


  • Dr Narayanan Subramaniyan, Research Affiliate, Sapien Labs
  • Dr Dhanya Parameshwaran, Senior Scientist, Sapien Labs

About the workshop

Understanding and diagnosing brain and mental health disorders is a major challenge, particularly given that the brain displays wide physiological variability across the population and within individuals over time. EEG or electroencephalography measures the electrical activity of the brain with millisecond resolution and is an inexpensive device with fast set-up time. This makes it a tool with tremendous potential for understanding the state-space of physiology across large populations as well as the development of clinical applications. Realizing the potential of this measurement requires new and varied approaches to uncovering meaningful structure in the signal.

This six-day workshop covered the basics of EEG analysis ranging from basic EEG pre-processing (filtering, artifacts removal etc) to time-frequency analysis and estimation of connectivity measures. The workshop focused on methods and approaches that are amenable to scalable applications in clinical applications and field data acquisition. The workshop included both hands-on EEG acquisition and projects working with different EEG data acquired during different tasks.

The participants included undergraduate and graduate students in computer scien and data science as well as early career researchers in neuroscience.