Grothendieck Duality and Transitivty for Formal Schemes. (With Suresh Nayak.) (monograph 176 pages)
(Click on the year and follow the links.)
Explicit arithmetic on abelian varieties (2018). (With V.K. Murty.) (58 pages)
Free resolution of some Schubert singularities (2015). (With M. Kummini, V. Lakshmibai, and C.S. Seshadri.)
Geometric Reductivity -- A quotient space approach (2011). (With C.S. Seshadri.) (63 pages)
Report on the Denef-Vercauten/Kedlaya algorithm. Chapter in Algebraic Curves and Cryptography (2010). (With Z. Ashraf and A. Juma.)
Applications of duality theory to Cousin complexes (2007). (With S. Nayak.)
Duality for Cousin complexes (2005). (58 pages)
Pseudofunctorial behavior of Cousin complexes on formal schemes (2005). (With J. Lipman and S. Nayak.) (134 pages)
Base Change and Grothendieck Duality for Cohen-Macaulay Maps (2004). (49 pages)
The Grothendieck Trace and the de Rham Integral (2003). (With Y.L.L. Tong.)
Intermediate Jacobians and Hodge structures of moduli spaces (2000). (With D. Arapura.)
Residues and duality for algebraic schemes (1996). (46 pages)
On residue complexes, dualizing sheaves and local cohomology modules (1995). (With A. Yekutieli.)
A pointwise criterion for dualizing pairs (1992). Appendix to "An explicit construction of the Grothendieck residue complex" by A. Yekutieli in Asterisque 208.
Regular differentials and equidimensional scheme maps (J. Algebraic Geom) (1992). (With J. Lipman.) See also Correction (2005).
Regular differentials forms and relative duality (1993). (With R. Hübl.)
MathSciNet Reviews of my papers can be found here.