Publications and Preprints

(Some of the longer papers have their lengths indicated in parenthesis.)


  • Grothendieck Duality and Transitivty for Formal Schemes. (With Suresh Nayak.) (monograph 176 pages)

  • Publications

    (Click on the year and follow the links.)

    • Explicit arithmetic on abelian varieties (2018). (With V.K. Murty.) (58 pages)

    • Free resolution of some Schubert singularities (2015). (With M. Kummini, V. Lakshmibai, and C.S. Seshadri.)

    • Geometric Reductivity -- A quotient space approach (2011). (With C.S. Seshadri.) (63 pages)

    • Report on the Denef-Vercauten/Kedlaya algorithm. Chapter in Algebraic Curves and Cryptography (2010). (With Z. Ashraf and A. Juma.)

    • Applications of duality theory to Cousin complexes (2007). (With S. Nayak.)

    • Duality for Cousin complexes (2005). (58 pages)

    • Pseudofunctorial behavior of Cousin complexes on formal schemes (2005). (With J. Lipman and S. Nayak.) (134 pages)

    • Base Change and Grothendieck Duality for Cohen-Macaulay Maps (2004). (49 pages)

    • The Grothendieck Trace and the de Rham Integral (2003). (With Y.L.L. Tong.)

    • Intermediate Jacobians and Hodge structures of moduli spaces (2000). (With D. Arapura.)

    • Residues and duality for algebraic schemes (1996). (46 pages)

    • On residue complexes, dualizing sheaves and local cohomology modules (1995). (With A. Yekutieli.)

    • A pointwise criterion for dualizing pairs (1992). Appendix to "An explicit construction of the Grothendieck residue complex" by A. Yekutieli in Asterisque 208.

    • Regular differentials and equidimensional scheme maps (J. Algebraic Geom) (1992). (With J. Lipman.) See also Correction (2005).

    • Regular differentials forms and relative duality (1993). (With R. Hübl.)

    MathSciNet Reviews of my papers can be found here.