Logic, Automata and Games (August - November 2016)


  1. Notes for the course automata and reactive systems by Prof. Wolfgang Thomas at RWTH Aachen university.
  2. Linear-Time Temporal Logic and Büchi Automata
  3. Finite-state Automata on Infinite Inputs
  4. Automata, Logics and Infinite Games, edited by Erich Grädel, Wolfgang Thomas and Thomas Wilke, 2002, Springer.




Date Topics Covered References
2nd August Infinite strings on finite alphabets, Büchi automata, deterministic vs. non-deterministic automata. [1], sections 1.1-1.2.
4th August Deterministic Büchi automata are less powerful than non-deterministic ones. Basic constructions and characterizations. [1], sections 1.3-1.4.
9th August Intersection of Büchi automata, generalized Büchi automata. Introduction to Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). [1], sections 1.5-1.6, 2.3. [2], section 1.
11th August Designing a Büchi automaton that accepts the set of all models of a given LTL formula. [2], section 3.1.
16th August Proof of correctness of the reduction from LTL to Büchi automata. [2], section 3.1.
18th August LTL Model checking, polynomial space upper bound. Büchi automata are more powerful than LTL. Section 3.1 of [2], section 2.5 of [1].
23rd August Introduction to Muller, Rabin and Streett acceptance modes. Simulating one with another. Section 1.3 of [3].
25th August Translation from Streett automata to non-deterministic Büchi automata. Translation from deterministic Muller automata to deterministic Rabin automata. Section 1.3 of [3] and section 1.4.2 of [4].
30th August Translation from non-deterministic Büchi automata to deterministic Rabin automata. Section 1.4 of [3].
1st September Safra's construction. Section 1.4 of [3].
6th September Correctness of Safra's construction. Section 1.4 of [3].
8th September Monadic second order logic over infinite strings (S1S), defining Büchi recognizable languages in S1S. Section 2.6 of [1].
15th September Recognizing S1S definable languages using Büchi automata. Section 3.4 of [1].
27th September Translation from S1S to Büchi automata. Introduction to infinite tree automata. Section 3.4 and 5.1 of [1].
29th September Non-deterministic Büchi tree automata less powerful than Muller tree automata. Parity tree automata, closure under finite union and projection. Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of [1].
4th October Introduction to games, how they are useful for complementation of tree automata. Sections 8.4, 2.1-2.4 of [4], sections 5.3 and 4.1 of [1].
6th October Introduction to finite memory and memoryless strategies. From Muller games to parity games. Section 2.4 of [4].
12th October Memoryless determinacy of reachability and 1 games. Attractor and trapping strategies. Section 2.5 of [4].
13th October Memoryless determinacy of Büchi games. Section 2.5 of [4].
18th October Properties of traps and attractors. Section 6.2 of [4].
20th October Paradises and their properties. Sections 6.2 and 6.3 of [4].
25th October Memoryless determinacy of parity games. Section 6.3 of [4].
27th October Relation between memoryless determinacy of parity games and complementing parity tree automata. Section 8.4 of [4].
1st November Parity tree automata are closed under complementation. Section 8.4 of [4].
3rd November Non-emptiness of parity tree automata is decidable. Section 8.5 of [4].