Programming Language Concepts Jan-Apr 2016 Assignment 1 Due Saturday, 16 February, 2016. 11.55 pm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Define an class to store information about (simple) arithmetic expressions, with the following fields and methods. abstract public class Expr { Expr subexp1; Expr subexp2; public Expr(Expr e1, Expr e2) { subexp1 = e1; subexp2 = e2; } abstract String makeString(); abstract public int evaluate(); } Create subclasses NumExpr, AddExpr, SubExpr and MulExpr, each of which implement the makeString() and evaluate() methods appropriately. -- NumExpr stores an integer value -- makeString() for AddExpr should make the string of subexp1, concatenate "+" to it, and concatenate makeString of subexp2 to that. Similarly for the other subclasses. The evaluate() method has the obvious functionality. ---------------------------------------------- 2. Create a generic Stack class with the following functions. public class Stack { --- fields private class definitions, if necessary --- public Stack() -- constructor public void push(T elt) -- pushes an element on to the top of the stack public T pop() -- remove the element on top of the stack public boolean isEmpty() -- return true if stack is empty public T peek() -- return top element of the stack (without removing it) } ------------------------------------------------ 3. Create a Token class with the following fields and functions public class Token { public enum TokType {Num, Add, Sub, Mul} private TokType toktype; private int tokval; public Token(TokType typ) -- constructor (to be used when token type is not Num) public Token(TokType typ, int val) -- constructor when type is Num public void hopOnStack(Stack stack) -- add the effect of a token to an expression stack. The logic is the same as for a calculator of postfix expressions. Just push a token of type Num, and for other token types, pop the top two elements, create a new expression reflecting this operation, and push that onto the stack. } ------------------------------------------------ 4. Create a generic LinearList class with the following definitions. public interface Iterator { public boolean hasNext(); public T next(); } public class LinearList { -- fields private class definitions as appropriate -- private class Iter implements Iterator { -- fields, constructor, code for hasNext() and next() } public LinearList() -- constructor public void add(T elt) -- add an element at end of list public Iter getIterator() -- return a new iterator object } ----------------------------------------------- 5. Create a Calculator class which uses all the classes defined above to implement a calculator for postfix expressions. The calculator takes as input a linear list of tokens, and uses a stack of expressions to compute the (infix) expression corresponding to the list of tokens. public class Calculator { LinearList toklist; Stack exprstack; public Calculator(LinearList toks) { toklist = toks; exprstack = new Stack(); } public Expr makeExpr() -- for each token in toklist, make it hop on to the expression stack. } This whole module is tested using a file similar to, included as part of this assignment. On running the two commands: javac java UseCalculator we get the following output on screen: ((((22 + 5) * 3) + (4 * 3)) - 20) The value of the expression is: 73 (((22 + (5 * 3)) + (4 * 3)) - 20) The value of the expression is: 29 (((22 + 5) * 3) + (4 * (3 - 20))) The value of the expression is: 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- General Instructions -- Important --- 1. Do NOT add any package declarations 2. Do NOT submit a `main' method as part of your solution. Any solutions containing a `main' method will NOT be graded. Note that we will test your solutions by supplying our own main methods in a separate file, so make sure that your implementation works when this happens. 3. Any submissions with compile errors will NOT be graded. 4. Late submissions will NOT be graded. 5. All the files comprising your solution code should be in one folder (no subfolders) named -1, where un is your username. Compress the folder as a TGZ file named -1.tgz and submit it on the Moodle page. For example, I would put all my files in a folder named spsuresh-1 and submit the compressed file spsuresh-1.tgz.