Picture Gallery

Picture gallery ...

Cornell and Ithaca
Hans Bethe
(with me, Zorawar, Marco and Horace)
An Ithacan sunset
Fall - arts quad
Fall - arts quad
Fall - silhouette on Pleasant Grove
Fall - silhouette on Pleasant Grove
Beebe Lake
Beebe Lake
Beebe Lake
Beebe Lake

Boulder, Colorado
Glacial lake
Glacial lake, 12000 ft
The trail down
The trail down, 10000 ft

The Road Trip
Yosemite - reflections
Yosemite - reflections
En route to Death Valley
En route to Death Valley
Death Valley
Death Valley
The Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon in Snow - sunlight on the temples
The Grand Canyon in snow :
sunlight on the temples
The Grand Canyon in Snow
The Grand Canyon in Snow
Zion - shadows in the clouds
Zion - the Navajo sandstone
Zion - the Navajo sandstone
Zion - reflections
Zion - reflections
Zion - panorama
Zion - panorama
Footprints  in the snow
Footprints in the snow
U2 2000 - The Joshua Tree
U2 2000 - The Joshua Tree
Cholla cacti
Cholla cacti

Images: Copyright © K. Narayan, April 2001

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