Advanced Programming, Jan-Apr 2015 Assignment 6 12 April, 2015 Due 20 April, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The usual rules apply about file names for submitting your assignment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Advertising hoardings (IARCS IOI Training Camp 2006, Preyas Popat) Downtown Siruseri is booming and the main road is now lined with a continuous row of skyscrapers. For aesthetic reasons, the Siruseri Municipal Corporation had banned advertising hoardings along the main road. The High Court has squashed the Municipal Corporation's ban as unconstitutional and ruled that rectangular hoardings may be put up parallel to the main road, along the walls of the skyscrapers lining the road. The only restriction is that a hoarding may not extend above the height of any building along its length. Advertising agencies across the city are buzzing witth excitement at the news and accounts executives are busy calculating how large they can make their hoardings, in terms of total area, to collect maximum revenue from advertisers. For instance suppose the Siruseri skyline appears as follows, where the number at the top of each building specifies its height while the number at the bottom of each building specifies its width, both quantities measured in metres. 80 ____________ 70 | | ____________ 55 | | 50 | | 50 ________| | ____| |________ | | | 40 30 | | | | | | |________ _______| | | | | | | | | | | | | 10 | | | | | | | | |____| | | | |_______|____|____________|________|____|________|____________|________| 20 10 30 20 10 20 30 20 In this situation, the biggest legal hoarding spans the second, third and fourth buildings with an area of 60 × 50 = 3000 square metres. The next best possibility is a hoarding of 70 × 40 = 2800 square metres, spanning the last three buildings. Your task is to compute the maximum area that a hoarding can have for a given arrangement of skyscrapers. Solution -------- The largest rectangle will be as tall as the shortest building it covers. For each building height, we need to find the widest rectangle of that height. Partition the buildings into segments of length 1. Process the buildings in decreasing order of height as follows. For each building, if it is shorter than the building on its left, merge it with the segment on its left. Likewise, if it is shorter than the building on its right, merge it with the segment on its right. Maintain the size of the maximum rectangle seen so far. Use the union-find data structure to keep track of segments efficiently. Input format ------------ The first line of input is an integer N, the number of skyscrapers. This is followed by N lines of input describing the skyscrapers in left to right order. Each of these lines consists of two integers W and H, specifying the width and height of the skyscraper, respectively. Output format ------------- A single integer denoting the maximum area of a legal hoarding given the arrangement of skyscrapers. Sample input ------------ 8 20 30 10 50 30 70 20 50 10 10 20 55 30 80 20 40 Sample output ------------- 3000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------