Concurrency Theory: Lecture 7, 04 September 2019 ------------------------------------------------- Trace language: - Word language that is compatible with trace equivalence - Regular trace language: trace language that is regular when viewed as set of strings Trace prefix: - For traces [w], [w'], [w] <= [w'] if [w'] "extends" [w]. - For some u in [w] and u' in [w'], u is a prefix of u' - We call [w] a trace prefix of [w'] - Example: With (a,b) in I, [b] <= [ab] because b in [b] and ba in [ab] such that b is a prefix of ba - In the partial order representation, [w] <= [w'] if the partial order [w'] extends that of [w]. In other words [w] is downward closed subset of [w']. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructing a canonical trace from a firing sequence: - By induction build a net N_w = (P_w,T_w,F_w) and a marking M_w for each word w - Let <=> denote trace equivalence. N_w is identical to N_w' for each w'<=> w: each concurrent run generates a canonical net ======================================================================