Seminars during 1995
Prof. M.S. Raghunathan,
Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, Bombay.
Gave a talk on Quadratic forms and
flows (May 1995)
Prof. Amiya Mukherjee,
Indian Statistical Institute,
Gave a talk on Cohomology of certain infinite
dimensional Lie groups (May 1995).
Prof. M. Knebusch,
University of Regensburg,
Gave a talk on Real Spectra (November 1995).
Prof. Gerry Schwarz,
Brandeis University,
Gave talks on The noncommutative commuting
variety and Symmetric varieties (November 1995).
Prof. A. Borel,
Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, U.S.A.
Gave talks on Rational curves on
algebraic homogeneous spaces,
Conjugacy classes and
commutators in semisimple Lie groups
and Rational curves
on algebraic homogeneous spaces (December 1995).
Dr. Christian Pauly,
University of Paris, Orsay, France.
Gave a talk on Parabolic bundles and conformal blocks
(December 1995).
Computer Science
Prof. Kriti Ramamritham,
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, U.S.A.
Gave a talk on A Formalism for
Advanced Transactions (May 1995).
Prof. Mogens Nielsen,
Aarhus University, Aarhus,
Gave talks on Automated Logical Verification
Based on Trace Abstraction
and Behavioural Equivalences
for Infinite Systems - Partially Decidable! (December 1995).
Prof. Mike Paterson,
University of Warwick, U.K.
a talk on Mean Pay-Off Games at the Institute of
Mathematical Sciences (December 1995).
Dr. Oded Maler,
VERIMAG, Grenoble, France.
Gave a
talk on Automatic Verification of Hybrid Systems
(December 1995).
Dr. N. Shankar,
SRI International,
California, U.S.A.
Gave a talk on Language Deduction and Induction in PVS
(December 1995).