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        \hbox to \textwidth { {\bf #2}\hfill {\bf Computational Complexity }
        \hbox to \textwidth { {\Large \hfill #5  \hfill} }
        \hbox to \textwidth { {\em #3 \hfill #4} }

\newcommand{\lecture}[4]{\handout{#1}{#2}{Instructor: #3}{Scribe:


% my custom commands
\newcommand{\inparen}[1]{\left(#1\right)}             %\inparen{x+y}  is (x+y)
\newcommand{\inbrace}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}}           %\inbrace{x+y}  is {x+y}
\newcommand{\insquar}[1]{\left[#1\right]}             %\insquar{x+y}  is [x+y]
\newcommand{\inangle}[1]{\left\langle#1\right\rangle} %\inangle{A}    is <A>
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left|#1\right|}                 %\abs{x}        is |x|
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\Vert#1\right\Vert}        %\norm{x}       is ||x||
\newcommand{\super}[2]{#1^{\inparen{#2}}}             %\super{G}{i-1} is G^{(i-1)}
\newcommand{\setdef}[2]{\inbrace{{#1}\ : \ {#2}}}
\newcommand{\inrpdt}[2]{\left\langle{#1},{#2}\right\rangle}%\inrpdt{x}{y} is <x,y>.
\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\bea}[1]{\begin{eqnarray*} #1 \end{eqnarray*}}

% Commands specific to this file
% TODO: Find the right way to typeset group index
\newcommand{\gpidx}[2]{\insquar{#1 : #2}}             %\gpidx{H}{K}   is [H : K]
\newcommand{\gpigs}[2]{\gpidx{\super{G}{#1}}{\super{G}{#2}}} %Group index of g super ...
\newcommand{\roundoff}[1]{\left\lfloor #1 \right\rceil}

% \newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\lceil #1 \rceil}
\newcommand{\floor}[1]{\lfloor #1 \rfloor}

%for expected value
\newcommand{\Ex}{{\bf E}}

%for algorithms

%Dirac's notation

%ZigZag Product

\lecture{Towards the Proof of the PCP Theorem}{CS640}{Manindra Agrawal}{Ramprasad Saptharishi}

Last class we saw completed our discussion on expander graphs. We
shall now go to the proof of the PCP theorem. We need to prove that
$\PCP(O(\log n),O(1)) = \NP.$ 

One direction, $\PCP(O(\log n),O(1)) \subseteq \NP$, is trivial. If
there exists such a PCP protocol, then the nondeterministic machine
can just guess the proof of the prover. And since the number of random
bits used is just $O(\log n)$, he can then run over all the random
choices. And further, since the number of probes is constantly many,
the total number of probes is $n^{O(1)}$ which is polynomially many
again. Therefore, $\PCP(O(\log n),O(1)) \subseteq \NP.$

It is the other direction that uses a lot of weapons.

\section{Problems with Naive Approaches}

Let us take $3-\SAT$ for example. We are given a formula $\varphi$ say
on $n$ variables and has $m$ clauses, and the prover should convince
the verifier that the formula is indeed satisfiable. Here is one
possible $\PCP$ protocol:
\item The prover provides the satisfying assignment for the formula. 
\item The verifier tosses his random coins to pick one clause of the
formula and probes the values of the three literals in that clause
from the ``satisfying assignment'' provided by the prover. 
\item Using the values of those three literals, the verifier checks if
that particular clause is true by the assignment. If it is true, he
accepts. Else, he rejects. 

Thus, the verifier just probes $3$ places of the proof and uses
$O(\log m)$ random bits. One thing is clear that if the formula was
indeed satisfiable, then there does exist an honest prover who would
provide a correct satisfying assignment and thus the verifier would
accept with probability $1.$ The other direction, however, does not

Let us say that the formula $\varphi$ was not satisfiable. How can the
prover cheat? Suppose the formula was in such a way that there exists
a assignment that satisfies all but just 1 clause. Then the
prover could provide just that assignment. So unless the verifier is
lucky and picks that unsatisfied clause, the verifier would end up
accepting. Thus, we can only say that the probability that verifier
rejects is bounded above by $1 - \frac{1}{m}.$ This isn't good enough, we
want to bound this probability by a constant. 

Can't we amplify this probability by more tries? Do we have more
problems? Let us say instead of choosing $1$ clause at random, the
verifier choose $k$ clauses. Then that would reduce the bound to
roughly $(1 - \frac{1}{m})^k.$ Thus, if we choose $k = m$, we would
have bounded the probability by $1/e$ which is what we want. What are
the issues? 

{\bf Total Random Bits Used: }We need to repeat this event of picking
a clause $m$ times and each of the times we would be needing $O(\log
m)$ random bits. Therefore, the total number of random bits used is
$O(m\log m)$ which is too much. Can we do better?

One possible solution is to use expander random walks as we discussed
earlier. Since we are repeating an experiment for a lot of times, we
could a constant degree expander to do the trick. But that again would
reduce the total number of random bits to $O(m + \log m)$ which is
still bad. In fact, on analysing carefully, the expander can't even be
used here. Remember that the random walks would be good only if you
start with your bad set being relatively small. Here, you are starting
with your bad clauses being a $1 - \frac{1}{m}$ and thus expander
random walks won't help in locating the unsatisfied clause. \\

{\bf Total Number of Probes: }This is a bigger issue, repeating
experiments $m$ times will force us to have $O(m)$ probes. This is
certainly not acceptable, as this is as good as reading the entire

Thus what we need is essentially that the formula we get should
satisfy the property that either it is satisfiable or that any
assignment makes a constant fraction of the clauses unsatisfied. This
notion is formalized by looking at the {\em gap} in a problem. 

\section{The Notion of Gap and Dinur's Theorem}

We shall look at two different problems and the notion of gap
associated with it. Let us take $3\SAT$ first. A $3\SAT$ formula
$\varphi$ is said to have gap $\delta$ if any assignment for the
formula leaves at least a $\delta$ fraction of the clauses
unsatisfied. We shall denote this by $gap(\varphi).$ 
\index{PCP Theorem!gap in SAT}

An immediate consequence is that if we started of with a formula with
constant gap, then the verifier would be able to catch the prover even
if he tries to cheat since any assignment leaves a constant fraction
of clauses unsatisfied. \\

Instead of looking at $3\SAT$ we would be looking at a different
$\NP$-complete problem called the constraint graph problem. 
\index{PCP Theorem!constraint graphs}

\subsection{Constraint Graphs}

An instance to $G_k$, is a tuple of the form $(V,E,\Phi)$ where $V$ is
the set of vertices, $E$ the edges and $\Phi$ is a set of
constraints. One could think of $\Phi
= \inbrace{\phi_1, \phi_2, \cdots, \phi_{|E|}}$, one for each
edge. And a constraint
$\phi_e:[1..k]\times[1..k]\longrightarrow\inbrace{0,1}.$ Essentially,
it takes two possible colours for the end points of that edge and says
if that pair satisfies that constraint or not.

An instance $(V,E,\Phi)$ is the language if there exists a colour
assignment $\pi:V\longrightarrow [1..k]$ such that it satisfies all
the edge constraints. 

A simple observation is that the constraint graph problem is
$\NP$-complete for $k\geq 3.$ 

The problem $G_k$ is $\NP$-complete for $k\geq 3.$ 
Clearly it suffices to show that it is $\NP$-complete for $k=3.$ It is
obvious that this is infact in $\NP$ since the machine can just guess
the satisfying colouring and check. 

And showing it is $\NP$-hard is simple as well as graph
$3$-colourability directly reduces to $G_3$ where each constraint on
the edges is just inequality.

In the constraint graph problem, we could have a similar notion of
gap as well. An instance of $G_k$ is said to have gap $\delta$ if any
assignment leaves at least a $\delta$ fraction of the constraints
\index{PCP Theorem!gap in constraint graph}
Again, if the instance to the $\PCP$ protocol was indeed an instance
with constant gap, the verifier can make reject the prover if he tries
to cheat with good probability. He just picks an edge at random
($O(\log m)$ random bits), looks at the colour of the two end points
(therefore makes $2\log k = O(1)$) probes and then answers according
to whether the assignment satisfied that constraint or not. \\

Dinur's theorem was the following:
\index{PCP Theorem!Dinur's theorem}

\begin{theorem}[Irit Dinur]
There is a polynomial time reduction $f$ from $G_{16}$ to $G_{16}$ such
\item If the instance $G$ was satisfiable, then so is $f(G).$
\item If the instance $G$ was not satisfiable, then $f(G)$ has gap
which is a constant less than $1.$

And a simple observation:
Dinur's Theorem $\implies \PCP$ Theorem

Our goal is to prove Dinur's Theorem and we shall do it through $2$
lemmas. Before that, we need a notion of a reduction of amplifying the
gap. We shall first define what that reduction is and then discuss why
we need those properties.

\begin{definition}\index{PCP Theorem!$(k,\delta)$ reduction}
A polynomial time function $f$ is said to be a $(k,\delta)$ reduction
from $G_k$ to $G_{k'}$ if
\item $|f(x)| \leq c|x|$ for some constant $c.$
\item If $gap(x) = 0$, then $gap(f(x)) = 0.$
\item If $gap(x) \neq 0$, then $gap(f(x)) \geq \min\inbrace{k\cdot gap(x),\delta}.$

This essentially is means the following, the reduction doesn't
increase the size of the instance too much, but increases the gap by a
factor of $k$, unless the gap was already larger than $\delta.$ Why
do we want the size to be linearly bounded? This is because we would
be doing this reduction for logarithmically many steps and therefore
unless the size increase was linearly bounded, the final formula size
could be huge. 

The following two lemmas directly imply Dinur's Theorem.

\begin{lemma}[Amplification]\index{PCP Theorem!amplification
There exists a constant $\delta$ such that for every $t$, there exists
a $k$ and a $(t, \delta)$ reduction from $G_{16}$ to $G_k.$

But this could (and infact will) increase the alphabet size from $16$
to some arbitrary number $k$ which could be like $16^t$, and thus
repeating the process might blow up the alphabet size too much. Thus,
we need a lemma to reduce back the alphabet size. 

\begin{lemma}[Alphabet Reduction]\index{PCP Theorem!alphabet
reduction lemma}
There exists a constant $\epsilon$ such that there exists an
$(\epsilon,1)$ reduction from $G_k$ to $G_{16}.$

Thus what we would do is first apply the amplification lemma to
amplify gap by a factor of $t.$ Then we apply the alphabet reduction
lemma to reduce the alphabet size back to $16$ but in the process we
would lose a factor of $\epsilon$ but we would choose our $t$ in such
a way that the net process doubles the gap. Thus, $t = 2/\epsilon$
so that at the end we have a linear blow up in the instance with the
gap doubled. And clearly, by repeating this for logarithmically many
steps, we get to a point where the gap is constant. And that would
prove Dinur's Theorem and hence the \PCP Theorem. 

\section{Steps for the Amplification Lemma}

We shall take an instance of $G_k$ and amplify the gap in $3$
steps. We would lose a constant factor on the gap in the first two
steps but we can make up for the loses through the third step. 

\item Make the graph a constant degree graph. 
\item {\em Expanderize} the graph.
\item Do some clever walks on the expanderized graph to amplify the
gap, and increase the alphabet size. 

We shall look at one possible approach for step $1$. Firstly, we can
assume that every vertex of the graph has degree at least $3.$
Otherwise we can just add some redundent vertices and edges with
trivial constraints that are always satisfied no matter what the
colouring is. 

Now we take every vertex $v$ of this graph and blow it up into
$deg(v)$ many vertices just like in the zig-zag product
construction. And we connect these $deg(v)$ many vertices by a cycle
and put equality constraints on them. The other constraints get
naturally transformed here. \\


Does this give us just a constant factor reduction on the gap? One way
to argue this is the following. Take any colouring in this new
graph. We want to map this to a colouring of the old graph. What we do
is, in every cloud of $deg(v)$ many vertices, take the most popular
colour there and give that as a colour to the vertex $v$ in the old
graph. If we can somehow argue that since the old graph has a
reasonable graph, the new graph cannot have a very small gap, we are
done. \\

But unfortunately this isn't the case since lots of the equality constraints
on the cycle we added could be violated to satisfy the edge
constraints of the original graph. The reader is recommended to try to
work out a bound and see why putting a cycle isn't a good idea. 

The solution is something we have seen earlier as well: do not put a
cycle; instead put an expander graph there. 

\subsection{Closing the Cloud with an Expander}

Instead of connected the vertices of a cloud with a cycle, we shall
connect them with an expander. The intuition is that since expanders
are well connected, voilated constraints will see its effect in a lot
of edges. 

To argue that the gap just reduces by a constant factor, we shall take
any colouring of the new graph $G'.$ In the new graph, each cloud
correponding to a vertex $v$ in $G$ would give different colours to
the vertices. We shall give $v$ the most popular colour. Lets say that
by giving the most popular colour, some $k$ intercloud edges that were
satisfied in $G'$ now get violated. For each such edge, one of the two
end points of the edge in $G'$ do not get the most popular colour (for
if they did, then the edge would remain satisfied). Let us pick one
vertex for each new violated edge and call this set of vertices as
$T$. Look at a vertex $v\in G$ and the cloud of vertices in $G'.$ Pick
a colour that is not the most popular colour and look at the subset
$S$ of all vertices in $T$ present in this cloud with that
colour. Since we picked a colour that was not the most popular, we are
guaranteed that $|S|\leq m/2$ where $m = \deg(v).$ And hence, by the
property of the expander, the total number of edges going out of $S$
is at least $d\epsilon|S|.$ And since we put equality constraints over
all of them, all of these edges will be violated since they are going
between different colours. 

Summing over all non-popular colours and all clouds, we get the total
number of edges to be at least $d\epsilon |T|.$ But there is a slight
trouble here since we may be counting edges twice. Nevertheless we can
still claim that the number of edges violated within the clouds is at
least $d\epsilon |T|/2 = d\epsilon k/2$

Thus, the total number of edges violated in $G'$ should be at least
\text{gap}(G)|E| - k + d\epsilon k/2 = \text{gap}(G)|E| +(\epsilon d - 2)k/2
and in the construction of the expander graphs, we could make
$\epsilon d - 2 > 0$ (this is where the cycle fails but the expander
succeeds). Therefore, the number of unsatisfied edges in $G'$ is at least $\text{gap}(G)|E|$

Hence, dividing by the number of edges in $G'$, we get
\text{gap}(G') \geq \frac{\text{gap}(G)}{2d+1}

\subsection{Expanderising the Graph}

The next step is to make it an expander. This is done by a very nice
and simple trick: just super impose an expander on this graph. All we
do is think of these $n$ vertices as vertices of an expander and just
add the new edges. As for the constraints on the new edges, we just
make them trivial constraints: always satisfied. 

The increase in the number of edges brings down the gap slightly. To
be precise, if we started with a $d$-regular graph and superimposed an
$(n,d',\epsilon)$ expander on it, the new number of edges is $n(d+d')$
and therefore, the new gap is now at least

The final step is to amplify the gap. We shall discuss that in the
next few classes. 
