
Date 14:00 - 14:50 16:00 - 16:50
Mon 2012-Feb-06 Rajeeva
Tue 2012-Feb-07 Clare
Wed 2012-Feb-08 Purusottam1 KV
Thu 2012-Feb-09 Balaji
Fri 2012-Feb-10 Sarbeswar
Mon 2012-Feb-13 Dishant1 B. V. Rao
  1. The first talk on Wednesday, 8th February, and on Monday, 13th February will be from 3pm to 3:50pm. Back
  2. All the talks are in the Seminar Hall.

Mon 2012-Feb-06

Rajeeva Karandikar, On Differential equations and Diffusion Processes. 2pm

Abstract: In this talk we will describe connections between second order partial differential equations and the associated Markov processes. This connection has been active area of research for several decades. Stroock-Varadhan introduced 'Martingale problems' in this context.

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Tue 2012-Feb-07

Clare D'Cruz, Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity. 2pm

Abstract: We start with the basic definition and look at the behaviour of regularity under sums, products, radicals etc..

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Wed 2012-Feb-08

Purusottam Rath, Transcendence and modular forms. 3pm

Abstract: We discuss the nature of values taken by modular forms defined over number fields. We shall try to illustrate that the results vindicate a guiding principle that has played a key role in the development of transcendence theory. This also partly explains why we have difficulty in handling the seemingly more natural objects, namely the L- functions.

K. V. Subrahmanyam, An overview of GCT. 4pm


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Thu 2012-Feb-09

V. Balaji, Representation of Fuchsian groups and bundle theory. 2pm


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Fri 2012-Feb-10

Sarbeswar Pal, The Geometry of Hitchin map. 2pm

Abstract: I will begin with some basic definition and show that the space of non-very stable vector bundles over a compact Riemann surface of genus 2 is a K3 surface. Lastly I will explain the "Geometry of Hitchin map".

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Mon 2012-Feb-13

Dishant Pancholi, On construction of contact structures. 3pm.

Abstract: An odd-dimensional manifold M admitting an almost complex distribution of codimension 1 is call an almost contact manifold. We discuss an approach establishing a contact structure on M homotopic to the given almost complex distribution.

B. V. Rao, Large Deviations. 4pm.

Abstract: In this talk we introduce the large deviation principle, and explain how it helps asymptotic evaluation of certain integrals. We illustrate this by considering a toy model of disordered systems, namely, the random energy model.

CMI Seminars | Updated: Mon Jan 30 18:08:45 IST 2012