Advanced Programming, Jan-Apr 2015 Assignment 7 22 April, 2015 Due 3 May, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The usual rules apply about file names for submitting your assignment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Dividing Sequences (IARCS OPC Archive, K Narayan Kumar, CMI) This problem is about sequences of positive integers a[1],a[2],...,a[N]. A subsequence of a sequence is anything obtained by dropping some of the elements. For example, 3,7,11,3 is a subsequence of 6,3,11,5,7,4,3,11,5,3 , but 3,3,7 is not a subsequence of 6,3,11,5,7,4,3,11,5,3 . A fully dividing sequence is a sequence a[1],a[2],...,a[N] where a[i] divides a[j] whenever i < j. For example, 3,15,60,720 is a fully dividing sequence. Given a sequence of integers your aim is to find the length of the longest fully dividing subsequence of this sequence. Consider the sequence 2,3,7,8,14,39,145,76,320. It has a fully dividing sequence of length 3, namely 2,8,320, but none of length 4 or greater. Consider the sequence 2,11,16,12,36,60,71,17,29,144,288,129,432,993 . It has two fully dividing subsequences of length 5, * 2,11,16,12,36,60,71,17,29,144,288,129,432,993 and * 2,11,16,12,36,60,71,17,29,144,288,129,432,993 and none of length 6 or greater. Input format The first line of input contains a single positive integer N indicating the length of the input sequence. Lines 2,...,N+1 contain one integer each. The integer on line i+1 is a[i]. Output format Your output should consist of a single integer indicating the length of the longest fully dividing subsequence of the input sequence. Test Data You may assume that N <= 10000. Example: Here are the inputs and outputs corresponding to the two examples discussed above. Sample input 1: 9 2 3 7 8 14 39 145 76 320 Sample output 1: 3 Sample input 2: 14 2 11 16 12 36 60 71 17 29 144 288 129 432 993 Sample output 2: 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------