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Customized exceptions

In addition to catching exceptions, Java allows you to generate your own exceptions using the throw statement. The default Exception objects can store a string, indicating an error message. In addition, you may add more structure in a user defined subclass of Exception. If you do not want class LinearList to have negative entries you might write:

   class NegativeException extends Exception{
     private int error_value;      // Stores negative value that
                                   // generated the exception

     public NegativeException(String message, int i){ // Constructor
       super(message);  // Appeal to superclass constructor for message
       error_value = i;

     public int report_error_value(){
       return error_value;

Now, inside LinearList you might write:

   class LinearList{
     public add(int i){
       if (i < 0){ 
         throw new NegativeException("Negative input",i);


Notice that we directly passed the reference returned by new rather than creating a temporary local variable of this type as follows:

     public add(int i){
       NegativeException ne;
       if (i < 0){ 
         ne =  new NegativeException("Negative input",i);
         throw ne;

When another program uses add(i) in a LinearList, it should be aware of the possibility that a NegativeException may be thrown. Java insists that this exception throwing capability be ``advertised'' in the function definition, as follows:

   class LinearList{
     public add(int i) throws NegativeException{

Actually, Java relaxes the rule about advertising exceptions so that a program can throw a built in exception of type Error or RunTimeException without advertising it.

We can now use add(i) externally as:

   LinearList l = new LinearList();
   catch (NegativeException ne){
     System.out.print("Negative input supplied was ");

As mentioned earlier, Java takes a rather extreme stand in classifying ``non-normal'' execution as an exception. Reaching the end of file throws an IOException, so the normal structure of a read loop from a file in Java would be:

       ...            // read from a file
   catch (IOException e){
      if (e ... EOF) { ...}  // if e indicates EOF

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Madhavan Mukund 2004-04-29