The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics - Paul Halmos

 My research interests include commutative algebra, representation theory, representations of quivers and combinatorics. I am primarily interested in the combinatorics of representations of the symmetric group and the general linear group.

  1. Resolutions of defi ning ideals of orbit closures for quivers of type A_3. arXiv:1111.1179v1 [math.AG]
    (J. Commut. Algebra Volume 5, Number 3 (2013), 441-475).
  2. Orbit closures of representations of source-sink Dynkin quivers. arXiv:1112.0769v2 [math.AG]                                                (Int Math Res Notices, first published online March 18, 2014, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnu037).

  1.       1.  Deletion-restriction in toric arrangements (with P. Deshpande).
  2.       2.  Resolutions of quiver varieties of equioriented A_n.


    Priyavrat Deshpande
    Andrew Carroll
    Daniel Labardini-Fragoso
    Federico Galetto
    Salvatore Stella