The following links are pretty interesting which I just bumped into while searching on the net. People might find it useful.

It has always been said, learn it from the master. Here is the original paper by Schroedinger.
This one is the original paper which gave rise to the famous EPR(Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) Paradox in Quantum Mechanics. This gives an introduction to the concept of hidden variables in Quantum Mechanics.

Here are two of Prof. J.J.Binney's Lecture notes on Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics which I found pretty useful.

For people who just started doing Lagrangian, there is a nice intro into the Calculus of Variation thing. This thing has the brachiostochrone problem fully solved. Pretty nice thing for small-time reading.

Here is another collection of notes on Quantum Mechanics, but this one is a bit technical.

Here is the notes on point set topology by Allan Hatcher himself.

These are notes on topological groups.

For people who wants to study non-linear dynamics, here is a basic set of lecture notes and these were written by students of C.M.I.

This one is a really cool paper which I liked. It is a non-calculus proof of Fermat's Principle. However, this is a very specialised case proof which does not deal about the stationary path thing. It just says that the light travels two point in the least possible time (which is not always true!!! It actually takes the stationary path i.e the path or trajectory that would maximize or minimize its time of travel)

This is the link to Dr. Wilkin's home page where you can find lots of lecture notes to courses dealing in Analysis and Topology.