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  1. 'Student Participation'
    edited by S.K. Chatterji, CLS Madras, Rs.2, in, The South Indian Churchman, May 1970.  
  2. 'Jesus in Indian Paintings'
    by Richard, W. Taylor, CLS, Madras, 1975, in, The South Indian Churchman, April 1976.  READ
  3. 'Syntactic Pattern Recognition - an Introduction'
    by R. C Gonzales and M.G. Thomason, Addison Wesley Publishing Co. Reading, Mass, 1978.  READ
  4. 'Godel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid'
    by Douglas R. Hofstadter, Penguin Books, 1980, in, The Hindu, February 17, 1981.  READ
  5. 'The Census in British India'
    edited by N.Gerald Barrier, published by Manohar Publications, New Delhi, 1983, pp. 234, price Rs 75.in, Religion and Society.  READ
  6. 'Historical Research Methodology' by N. Subramanian
    Subramanian Ennes Publications, Madurai 1980, xiii + 248 pp. Rs. 25, in Tamil Studies, International Institute of Tamil Historical Studies, Editor N.Subrahmanian. Vol.1, No.1, October 1981, pp.83-85  READ
  7. 'A Dictionary of Statistics'
    by B.N. Ghosh, Arnold-Heinemann Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi 110029, 1985, in The Hindu, March 4, 1986.  READ
  8. 'A Copper-Plate Inscription of Srirangaraya I'
    by Jean Filliozat, Vasundhara and Pierre-Sybiram Filliozat, The Pondichery Museum, pp 23, Rs 30 in, The Indian Express, Madras, Tuesday, July 21, 1987.  

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